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Partner & Head of Product
PJ Mymon

PJ is a Partner and Head of Product at Soterio, known for his expertise in executing projects on a global scale. With a passion for turning disruptive ideas into scalable products, PJ brings a diverse background in high-profile projects across different industries and regions.

His experience includes successful execution in notable projects such as the Olympics in Brazil, the Amazon in New York, and Movon in South Korea. PJ's strategic approach to execution, coupled with a deep understanding of market dynamics, allows him to identify opportunities and drive innovation in local and international markets.

As the Head of Product, PJ plays a crucial role in guiding the development and execution of innovative products within Soterio. His global experience and proficiency in project management ensure the smooth delivery of results, while his ability to bridge the gap between technological advancements and market demands fuels growth and success.

PJ's execution-focused mindset and global experience bring tremendous value to the team and portfolio companies of Soterio Startup Studio. With his expertise, he contributes to the studio's mission of fostering innovation and driving growth in dynamic markets worldwide.